The Road to Cannabis Reform

A Chat with Richard DeLisi on Yes on 3

In the eyes of Richard DeLisi, a Yes on 3 means one thing: a much-needed step toward legal cannabis reform.

That's because he understands better than most the lasting impact a cannabis conviction can have on an individual and their families. Having served one of the longest sentences for a non-violent cannabis offense in U.S. history, Mr. DeLisi's advocacy efforts to keeping as many people out of jail as possible for the plant is not a goal, but a lifelong mission.

The current Florida law only allows those who qualify for a medical card to legally purchase cannabis. Under the Adult Personal Use of Marijuana Amendment, however, all adults in Florida 21 years of age and older would have the right to possess three ounces of cannabis for personal use. And while the journey toward full legalization and decriminalization is long, Mr. DeLisi knows a Yes on 3 is one step closer to the finish line.

Read Richard DeLisi's story here : Free at Last: The Story of Richard DeLisi

We ALL believe no one should be in jail for simple cannabis possession.

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